Hello everyone! (This is a long message with important stuff, please read through)

It’s that time again: BurnT BOD elections. One of the five seats on the board of directors for our community non profit are available. 

Now’s your chance to get involved and be the change you want to see! Elections end on June 15, 2014 with announcement of the new director on June 17, 2014.



The candidates for the election (in no particular order) are Dave McKay, Rhonda Loubert and Jory Bice.

Dave McKay

I have been burner since 1999.  I’ve helped get this community together including the first meeting of burners in Toronto in 2000 and the first event.  You may have met me at some of our community events or at some cross-over community events like Harvest or Lunacy Cabaret.  I was part of the invisible hand that ran Mooseman in 2011 and 2012 and I’m currently the Ombuddy for the BurnT organization.  I’d like to run for the board because I’d like to change the focus of BurnT from the board to the events we run.  It should be the events that drive the board not the other way around.  A subtle but important distinction.  I organize several communities and produce lots of events.  I know our history and the personalities and I also like to have weird fun.  If you are looking for that in your board representative then consider registering and voting for me (for BurnT board – not as mayor – do not vote for Sketchy for Mayor, just tell the pollsters that you are.)


Rhonda Loubert

Hello burners!

My name is Rhonda Loubert and I’ve been a member of the Toronto Burner community since 2002. I’ve been to the Gerlach Regional (Burning Man-proper) a total of five times. 
I have formerly held leadership roles in our community organizing Toronto regional events, Decompressions, managed Town Halls and hosted the first Drink Nights for several years. I also continue to manage the BurnT Google group list – something I have done since 2005. 
In the past several years I have turned my attention and energy to local events and causes – to bring the spirit and intention of BM to where I live and what I do in Toronto. For the past couple of years I have been a worker bee/volunteer for various Harvest Festival large structural projects. I also like to host parties – on playa, at home, in the park, at Harvest, etc. My first party for the community was Burner Prom back in 2004. 
My day job is at NOW Magazine where I manage people as well as data. I have a long list of interests and passions. 
I’d like to be considered for a position on the Board of Directors because I think I can contribute to the continued growth and evolution of BurnT. We’ve progressed organizationally by leaps and bounds since back in the day! My personal bent is regional. I think a focus on volunteer participation is the key to support and perhaps grow our events much in the way other regionals have flourished. 
And the art, of course. It’s our legacy. 


Jory Bice

I helped out worth opulent temple fir the first burn, isle of lost tits second burn. I helped with the Toronto decomp, the white party, redneck Rivera, helping with moose man this year as co dj lead with Roland, helping with lakes of fire and the sorreh bar.

I’m eager to help with what ever needs a doing. Grin

I got your back.



We use a “ranked pairs” voting method. That basically means you rank your choices from favorite to least favorite and a computer sorts it out from there. 


If you signed up to vote last time you don’t need to sign up again. 

If you didn’t register to vote in the last election go here to register as a BurnT member. It may take some time for your registration to reflect on Ballotbin.


 If you don’t know if you’re registered email burntentity@gmail.com


Candidates should prepare a statement to be posted to our online forums prior to that date. Q & A and flesh pressing will commence. It’s a good idea for candidates to go to Burner Drink Night, Town Halls or other Community Events(i.e. the Social at Site 3 on March 23) that might occur.  It’s also a good idea to ask candidates questions in the facebook group. 


Registered voters will receive an email from ballotbin allowing them to vote starting June 2nd. You can vote until June 15th.


We’ll announce the winners via the Facebook group and the mailing list on June 17th, 2014.

If you have any questions please send them to burntentity@gmail.com

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