BurnT Conduct Committee

Mission Statement

The BurnT Conduct Committee exists to provide a compassionate investigation process into conduct concerns raised by community members (including members of the BurnT Board).

The Conduct Committee is to provide a more impartial and meaningful process to recommend exclusion or conditional participation of people at official BurnT events.

Conduct Committee only recommends actions to the BurnT Board, it remains the responsibility of the BurnT Board to enact those recommendations as they see fit.

While some mediation is likely to occur during investigations, it is not the primary goal of the Conduct Committee and participants are encouraged to seek help from friends, loved ones and mentors to help resolve personal issues they may have.


Who is the BurnT Conduct Committee?

The BurnT Conduct Committee is an independent, although occasionally overlapping group of volunteers to the BurnT Board (who are the group that actually run the events). Conduct Committee volunteers are seeking to help maintain and improve the culture of consent and personal safety at BurnT events.

Currently the members of the Conduct Committee are:

Conduct Committee Co-Chairs
In addition to investigating reports, co-chairs are the only people with access to reports from the community.

Conduct Committee Secretary
The Secretary does not have access to any community reports and is not involved in any investigations. The role exists to aid with administration tasks such as meeting scheduling, minute-taking and reminding us to do things:

How do I report a case of misconduct, or request an investigation?

You can use our form here to report incidents

What information will you be sharing?

While specific details of cases will not be shared, the Conduct Committee Secretary will publish a semi-annual report to BurnT summarizing caseload, number of people interviewed, number of recommendations made.

How do I find out more?

The documents on how we operate are:
BurnT Participant Code of Conduct
BurnT Conduct Committee Memorandum of Understanding
BurnT Conduct Committee Investigation and Decision Principles and Procedure


Last updated: 13th Februrary 2017