Hello Burning Man Toronto community members!
It’s that exciting time of year again where we have our Annual General Meeting, and this is your official invitation, but first some other important news:
‘BurnT OUT Interactive Arts Society’ is now ‘Kaleidoscope Interactive Arts Society’!

photography by paintednegative
More on that below, but for now here’s the important details you need to know about the meeting.
Kaleidoscope Interactive Arts Society Annual Meeting 2017
This will be held on July 11th, 7pm – 9pm at:
Lillian H. Smith Library – Auditorium
239 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 1R5
Meeting Agenda
Roundtable – Introduction of Board Members
Director of Legal Affairs – Recap of legal opinion on By Laws
Hyperborea Lead – Hyperborea Afterburn Report
Treasurer – Presenting the NPO’s finances as approved by the Directors
Chair – Directors vote on waiving of the requirement for a financial audit
President – Summary of future plans for the non-profit
Chair – Proposals from the Community
If you would like to submit a proposal for an item to be discussed at the meeting, please email burntbod@googlegroups.com – While there is no obligation to include proposals in the meeting agenda, we will consider any reasonable proposals received by noon on June 27th. Please ensure your topic is relevant to the activities of the non-profit corporation.
Why the new name?
There was a lot of confusion in the community over what BurnT is and was, with no clear delineation between the community in general, and the non-profit corporation that shared the same name. There was also a lot of confusion as to whether BurnT was linked to the Burning Man Org in any way. So we decided a new name was in order to make this clearer.
Kaleidoscope is now (more) clearly defined as a non-profit corporation that exists to share financial and legal liability of running the increasingly large-scale events that happen in Toronto, while the BurnT name has been released back into the wild to be used by whoever wishes to use it, and wear it as their own badge of honour.
In order to pick the new name, we opted to follow these guidelines:
Something that doesn’t have fire, burning, melting, exploding, fiery death and other phrases that insurance companies, government departments, and event venues get concerned about when trying to get permits and paperwork filed.
It doesn’t have burn or burning in the name, to make it absolutely clear to our community that it’s in no way related to the Burning Man Organisation itself.

photography by paintednegative

photography by paintednegative
Why Kaleidoscope?
It was the name of a successful event we held a couple of years ago…which in turn borrowed its name from a cool Toronto art project, but more importantly we think it is a nice symbolism for the wide variety of people, experiences, and art that we create in the city – an ever changing kaleidoscope of ideas and passion.
A little note on Sanctioning and the Burning Man Org
“Officially Sanctioned Burning Man Events” are defined by the Burning Man Org as events that conform to a set of guidelines laid out by them around the 10 principles. Anybody can apply to be Sanctioned by the BMOrg and it’s a free process to go through. If you’re interested in using the Burning Man logo, BRC map, man symbol, Black Rock Rangers, or other IP owned by the BMOrg for your event, you will need to obtain Sanctioning from BMOrg. You can do this by contacting our official Toronto Burning Man Regional contact – Joshua Shessel who can tell you all about what’s required.
Kaleidoscope will endeavour to obtain official sanctioning from the BMOrg for it’s events, but there is (and never has been) any formal link between the two organisations, nor does Kaleidoscope have any exclusive ability to run burner events, or to seek Burning Man sanctioning in the Greater Toronto Area. You all can do this too, and we strongly encourage you to do so – the more burner events, the better!

photography by paintednegative

photography by paintednegative