Hello and Happy Holidays,
It’s been 30 days since the fabulous TComp party, and we’ve been counting the budget and counting it twice and come out with some numbers that look quite nice 🙂
Here’s the brief from your humble BurnToronto Board of Directors (aka BurnT BOD).
Big Thanks
First, is to give a huge thanks to our volunteers. This year’s event was made possible by the amazing efforts of two dozen leads and over a hundred volunteers managed to pull off an amazing show of community coming together. From all of us on the BurnT BOD, we would like to extend a huge round of applause to the artists, door people, bartenders, DJs, coat check, drivers, designers, floor sweepers, potluck solicitors, performers, email writers, flyer-hander-out-ers, and everyone else who pulled this thing off.  Thank you for your pARTicipation.
Volunteers, please watch your inbox for an invitation to an upcoming Volunteer Appreciation event. You are what makes this community happen. You deserve it.
Financial Reporting
We’ve finally finished crunching the numbers and the financial statement. The full review is available here http://bit.ly/1cjxDDQ, but here’s a few of the stats: 
Number of Samosas traded for number of Spanks: 256/1500
Bins full of food donated to Daily Bread Food Bank: 4
Tickets sold: 727
Money raised for the community: $13,000
As you likely know, we are an entirely volunteer-run organization, so all of that money goes directly back into the community. That’s the kind of windfall that will go a long ways to helping us make next year’s MooseMan and TComp great. One place we think that money can be well spent is in art and community development grants. Look for more details to follow early in the new year.
Questions and Feedback
We’re always here to answer your questions, but but if you had any specific questions about TComp, what decisions were made, or why things happen the way they did, please send them to us, and we’ll do our best to give you clear, honest answers.
Last, it’s been said that for every two burners, you get three opinions and maybe a creative non-sequitur for good measure. Feel free to send us any of yours. Since volunteers make TComp happen, keep in mind that constructive criticism is welcome (ie. next year, this could really be great), but stepping up is really the best way to make things happen (ie. next year, this could really be great, and I’m going to volunteer and make sure it happens). We’ll happily send you a reminder about your commitment when we gear up for next year’s event. For this or anything else, our email is burntbod[AT]googlegroups[DOT]com.
That’s all from here. Thanks for your patience and support as we learn the ropes. Here’s to making great things happen in 2014. Happy Holidays,
Your Humble BurnT BOD

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