After the dust has settled, two excellent nominees have emerged as candidates for seats on the BurnT Board of Directors. Since there are two seats available they are both acclaimed.
The two candidates who will be the two new members of the Board of Directors starting on April 1, 2014 are:
– Dan Muirhead
– Michael Everson
Please congratulate them and yourselves. I’ve had the opportunity to work with both of them in the past, and the Board will be in excellent hands.
Their candidate statements, for the record, are listed below.
Dan Muirhead:
Groups need iron-fisted rule to be productive. They need to be scared into obedience. Have their spirit’s crushed… Er wait, that’s the wrong speech.
The BurnT Board of Directors needs directors that are capable, responsible and able to compromise. I am none of these things but, I am willing to try!
All joking aside, I would bring a fairly well rounded skill set to the table. This includes everything from event promotion, to having experience serving on a board before. Previous board members have referred to be as capable and responsible, and were thrilled to hear I had put my hat into the ring.
I personally think I would be a good fit for the board, if I am elected I will investigate more ways to bring our community into the mainstream.
Dan Muirhead – The last best choice for BurnT BOD
Mike Everson:
Hi there, my name is Mike! You can usually find me at Site 3, working on an installation in someone’s yard or sharing a pint at Burner Drinks Night. I joined BurnT a few years ago when I showed up to a town hall meeting at Site 3 and was welcomed with open arms. From the first time I set foot into this community I’ve been treated like a dear friend and I’ve come to think of us as a family. I am constantly amazed by the things we Toronto burners have accomplished, and the creativity, dedication and perserverence I see in you on a daily basis. Like any family we have our differences and our conflicts, but I believe we overcome these things and become stronger for it.
I’m running for the BurnT board of directors because I’m interested in taking a more active role in keeping this community strong, involved, and energetic. I’ve been a part of a few different projects and events within BurnT – I helped build Super Street Fire, I was involved with the 2012 CORE project, I was the art curator for the 2012 Decomp, and last year I worked on Charcade/Riskee Ball and co-led the Totenkitten theme camp. These experiences mean a lot to me because I get to work with the people I’ve come to know and love to give back to everyone who has done so much for me.
If elected I’d like to remind the global burner community how creative, spirited and active Toronto burners can be. I have a lot of experience in student politics and running events, and many of those skills (communication, organization, time management and jumping through hoops!) apply to this position. As a member of the BurnT board of directors I’ll be in a much better position to help you, the community, to build, create and showcase your incredible talent and most of all, help everyone remember that we are a family.
If you have any questions or you’d just like to chat, feel free to contact me anytime! You can email me at everson [dot] mike [at] gmail [dot] com, or usually find me at either Site 3 or Burner Drink Nights. Thanks for your time folks!
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